How Long Does A Menstrual Cycle Last?

The average menstrual cycle for a woman is about twenty-eight days. Menstruation is also called menses or period and it is defined as a woman's monthly bleeding. The bleeding is actually blood and tissue from inside of the uterus. The blood passes from the uterus, through the cervix and out of the vagina. Most women have month menstrual cycles that last from one to seven days. They vary from woman to woman.


The average menstrual cycles is about twenty-eight days. Most women will complete a menstrual cycle between twenty-three and thirty-five days. If a woman has a monthly menstruation, this would mean that she is probably not pregnant. However, this may not always be the case. Some women do have menstrual cycles in the early stages of a pregnancy. A menstrual cycle should not be used to determine if a woman is pregnant or not, it is only a possible indicator.


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