Early symptoms of pregnancy at betawait

What are the early symptoms of pregnancy, at betawait ? 

For those who do not know, the "betawait "is the period preceding the confirmation of pregnancy by testing blood beta hCG. It is the most difficult for many women undergoing treatment stage IVF or ICSI and also for those who need to know whether they are pregnant. 

You could also call betawait, the period until any woman confirms her pregnancy with a pregnancy test (pregnancy tests measure the levels of beta hCG, hence the name "betawait").

Many women undergoing IVF experience symptoms of anxiety before knowing the outcome of the first pregnancy test will confirm (provisionally ) treatment success. In this period women undergoing embryo transfer after IVF are particularly attentive to any symptoms that may indicate a pregnancy. For other women, warning usually skip a few days later. 

Most women suspect they are pregnant when they have a menstrual period. It is by far the most characteristic symptom. There are other symptoms and signs that many women experience, but not all and not in the same degree, during the 2 first weeks of gestation. 

-pregnancy symptoms

Implantation bleeding 

Sometimes a woman who is pregnant may still experience some bleeding or spotting at the time of embryo implantation in the uterus, usually 6-12 days after conception. It is a scarce and pink to brown bleeding. Nothing bright red. Dura unless menstruation and a few days appears before the theoretical date of the next menstruation. If you want to know more about bleeding the first days of pregnancy, you can read input ¿Implantation bleeding, abortion or menstruation?  .

However, there are many other causes of spotting or light bleeding between periods, as having an irregular period, change in method of birth control or infection or injury during intercourse.

Absence of menstruation

The absence of one or more periods is a classic sign of pregnancy. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining, but when a woman is pregnant, the uterine lining does not eject.

However, this may not always be a reliable sign of pregnancy if you have irregular periods or breakthrough bleeding. The causes of absence of regulation can also pregnancy, be:

  • Loss  or gain  excessive weight 
  • Having an eating disorder
  • Increased exercise
  • Stress
  • Disease
  • Less common contraceptive methods that cause less heavy periods, or the total absence of periods
  • Breastfeeding. Many women do not even start their periods until they have completely stopped breastfeeding
  • Adolescents should also be noted that not having periods can occur because the early years are slow to regulate hormones, sometimes leading to alterations in the menstrual cycle.

Swollen and tender breasts 

The sensations of breast swelling, heaviness, tenderness or pain are also associated with early pregnancy. Sometimes this pregnancy symptom appears in 1 to 2 weeks after conception. There may also be darkening or enlarged areola (area around the nipple) and increased breast size 

for most women, these symptoms are not the first symptom of pregnancy and usually occur after the first missed or after . a positive pregnancy test  

There are also other reasons for swelling or tenderness of breasts besides pregnancy:

  • Menstruation about to arrive (premenstrual syndrome)
  • hormonal imbalance
  • taking birth control pills

 Abdominal cramps and flatulence (gas)

Sometimes mild abdominal cramps and gas during the first weeks of pregnancy, which may be similar to cramps and gases that occur before or during the menstrual period also experienced.

Food cravings 

Many women count as crave certain foods during early pregnancy. These desires may persist throughout pregnancy. 

Fatigue and tiredness 

Fatigue and exhaustion are the first symptoms of pregnancy experienced by many women in the early stages of pregnancy, and some women say they feel tired even in the immediate weeks after conception. The cause of this fatigue could be increased levels of the hormone progesterone. Of course, fatigue is a very nonspecific symptom that can be related to many different causes pregnancy. 

High basal body temperature 

A persistently elevated basal body temperature (temperature measured with thermometer in mouth first thing in the morning) is another hallmark of early pregnancy.Shortly after ovulation occurs a rise in basal body temperature and stays until the next menstruation. The persistence of elevated basal body temperature beyond the moment of the expected menstrual period is another sign of early pregnancy. 

Nausea and vomiting 

The nausea and vomiting are common in early pregnancy . They can occur at any time of day or night. Its typical onset is between the second and eighth weeks of pregnancy. Most women begin to experience nausea and vomiting about a month after conception, but may occur earlier in some women. Sometimes an increased sensitivity to certain odors or smells that may cause nausea and / or vomiting occurs. Elevated estrogen levels occurring in early pregnancy may slow stomach emptying and may be related to the development of nausea. It is not unusual for a pregnant woman to change even their food preferences, rejecting his earlier favorite foods and looking forward to eating other unusual. In most women, nausea and vomiting begin to fade in the second trimester. 

Interestingly, it has been demonstrated that women with blood group A have a higher risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy compared to other blood groups. This association can be explained by the similarities between the antigen molecule A and the molecule of hCG:

Other causes of nausea include:

  • Food poisoning
  • stress
  • flu
  • change of hormonal birth control
  • other stomach disorders

Frequent urination 

A woman in the early stages of pregnancy may feel she has to urinate frequently, especially at night. You can even leak urine when coughing, sneezing or laughing. The greatest desire to urinate can have physical and hormonal causes.  

Once the embryo has implanted in the uterus starts producing the hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) , believed that encourages frequent urination.Another cause of frequent urination that develops later is the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder, but this does not cause frequent urination until the second and third when the fetus is substantially higher. This is a symptom of pregnancy confused as also occurs just before or during the period.  

It is sometimes so intense that disrupts sleep pregnant. To help alleviate this symptom can try to avoid diuretics such as tea and coffee - especially at the end of the day- and leaning forward in the toilet to help empty the bladder more effectively.

Mood swings, stress and fatigue

Mood swings and stress are symptoms common in the early stages of pregnancy .Many women in early pregnancy describe feelings of heightened emotions or even crying.Rapid changes in hormone levels could be behind these changes in mood, but it is clear that a woman undergoing IVF treatment or ICSI may have these symptoms simply because the situation you are going through.  

The fatigue and changes mood are already occurring in the first quarter, fade in the second quarter and then again in late pregnancy. The reason for fatigue is not known, but the most likely cause is the increase of progesterone.  

To address this symptom of pregnancy, you must get used to going to bed early and try to take naps during the day. 


Some women experience headaches early in your pregnancy, which may be related to corresponding changes in hormone levels. These headaches are nonspecific, usually do not involve only one side of the head, and are not accompanied by changes in vision.

What pregnancy symptoms are more common?

A recent study in a health center in which more than 5,000 pregnant women a year attend, breaks down a number of symptoms reported by pregnant women (symptoms correspond to the pregnancy), and the percentage of women the suffering. It's a really long and varied list:

  1. Increased urinary frequency: 85.20%
  2. Fatigue: 87%
  3. Dormir times: 62.55%
  4. Backache: 60.00%
  5. Unusual vaginal discharge : 49.80%
  6. Forgetfulness: 55.60%
  7. Headache: 50.50%
  8. Change in libido: 43.20%
  9. Vivid Dreams: 41.30%
  10. Breast changes: 38.80%
  11. Food cravings: 37.50%
  12. Nausea: 34.30%
  13. Taste and odor perception changes: 34.00%
  14. Pelvic pain: 33.70%
  15. Constipation: 33.20%
  16. Dry mouth: 32.80%
  17. Sore breasts: 32.00%
  18. Leg cramps: 31.50%
  19. Shortness of breath: 30.90%
  20. Restless legs: 30.30%
  21. Sore nipples: 29.60%
  22. Reflux: 29.60%
  23. Dizziness: 27.50%
  24. Oily skin and / or acne: 26.10%
  25. Altered body image: 25.80%
  26. Picores:22,20 %
  27. Stretch Marks: 18.70%
  28. Depressive feelings: 21.90%
  29. Anxiety: 19.50%
  30. Sciatica: 17.70%
  31. Vomiting: 17.60%
  32. Varicose veins: 17.00%
  33. Incontinence: 16.20%
  34. Snoring: 14.90%
  35. Carpal Tunnel: 11.10%
  36. Heart palpitations: 10.10%
  37. Candidiasis:  8.90 %
  38. Melasma (patches on the skin): 6.00%
  39. Hemorrhoids: 5.90%
  40. Vagina painful vein: 5.40%
  41. Fainting: 2.50%

The study in question was:

Development and validation of a pregnancy symptoms inventory. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2013, 13:3  

Do all women have symptoms in early pregnancy?

The answer is no; every pregnancy is different. Not just the symptoms vary from woman to woman, but that the same person may have different symptoms of pregnancy to pregnancy. About a quarter of women who become pregnant do not experience any symptoms. So it is very important to use a pregnancy test to determine if you are pregnant or not. 

How to confirm pregnancy?

The pregnancy blood test that measures levels of beta-hCG is the fastest confirmation of pregnancy. Studies show as only 14 days of embryo transfer, or what is the same, at 17 days after conception, can predict successful pregnancy. To read more on this topic, see the entry  beta hCG to day 14 predicts the outcome of pregnancy .  

In the early days of pregnancy, hCG beta can be positive and then negative. The biochemical pregnancy term used to describe a positive hCG level temporarily not associated with the development of an embryo or gestational sac. In other words, the embryo lives a few days, some beta hCG secreted and then quickly dies while avoiding even a substantial delay in the start of the next period

With the advent of urine pregnancy tests high sensitivity in the eighties, the detection of very early pregnancy, hCG levels very low, barely detectable reached. This triggered the incidence of biochemical pregnancy. 

It has been shown that up to 25% of pregnancies die before the woman has any symptoms of pregnancy or reach your first offense.

In the general population, most of biochemical pregnancies go unnoticed. In the cycles of IVF or ICSI is more frequent diagnose, because women are under active surveillance hCG levels.

Unlike the biochemical pregnancy, clinical pregnancy, other symptoms, the most fundamental lack of menstruation along with the detection of an embryo on ultrasound.
 Ultrasound detects the embryonic vesicle to 33-40 days, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period, or what is the same, at 21-28 days after conception or IVF and 18-25 days after embryo transfer. To read more about the confirmation of pregnancy by ultrasound, you can read the following article:  When pregnancy is confirmed by ultrasound? .

Meanwhile you can follow some tips " Waiting for hCG: Tips "and try to relax. Thesymptoms of pregnancy  should be confirmed and verified. Until not detect heartbeat , around 45-50 days after the first day of last menstrual period, is not confirmed thepregnancy .


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