Calculate here the date of your next period

How often do we stop to think about when will the next period ? How many calculations to see and predict whether coincide with a trip or unwelcome event? Amen to that for many, the  menstruation  is always unwelcome.  You never know exactly when will lose again, so it's best to mark on a calendar every month the expected date of the next period and then check if the rule is it advanced or delayed with respect to the forecasts.This way, you can get to know and become familiar with the menstrual cycle and to detect potential problems thereof. 

If your menstrual cycle is normal and regular, it is easy to calculate the day of the next time you go down the rule. 

For example, if your cycle is regular with a duration of 28 days, your next period will begin 28 days after the beginning of the previous. So, if you fell menstruation on March 1, will go back down on 28 March. 

If you already know the length of your menstrual cycle days, you can also calculate your most fertile days and ovulation . In theory there is to do a simple calculation: you have to subtract 14 days as of the beginning of menstruation and that will be about the date on which ovulated. 5 days before and the day after it, are the most likely to get pregnant if they have sex.

How to calculate your most fertile days or your next menstruation yourself

Step 1

Brand circled on the calendar the first day of your menstrual period. That day is day 1 of cycle number. Since then, adds many days as your menstrual cycle lasts for days. The result will be the day that your next period.

Step 2

It has 14 days forward from the first day of your period: this is the estimate of your ovulation day. This rule is based on the assumption that your menstrual cycle is 28 days long. However, the cycle may be longer or shorter than 28 days, and may not ovulate half cycle. So you must be careful and look for those days signals to reconfirm that estimate.The appearance of egg white cervical mucus and increased degree of basal body temperature are two important clues to the time of ovulation.

Look at the diagram on the right. Menstruation is day 28 and 14 days before ovulation occurs

Step 3

From estimated ovulation day, brand three to five days before and three to five days as possible fertile days. This is because ovulation can lose or gain with respect to the estimated day. Also because sperm can live inside the vagina for three to five days, so that the days of conception are not only the days that relationships are maintained. They also have 5 days.

For more accurate and scientific probability of pregnancy on different days of the menstrual cycle calculation, we recommend taking a look at this table:  Table of predicting the likelihood of pregnancy according to the day of the menstrual cycle .

If you want to better understand your menstrual cycle, you can read input  in a nutshell understand your menstrual cycle .

The calculator menstruation and fertile days

If you prefer an automatic calculation, here is one simple tool  where you can quickly calculate the date of your next period. Simply enter the start date of your last period (day, month,year), the length of your menstrual cycles (Nº of days to be added), click on GO, and the calculator will give you the day of your next period.

If you want to know your most fertile days, you can use the following calculator:

Things get complicated if you do not remember exactly the length of your menstrual cycle or if your menstrual cycle is irregular . In these cases, the calculator loses accuracy.  

Do not worry, you're not the only one who does not remember exactly how many days last cycles. In fact, many women believe that their cycles last longer than it actually last.

The most recent cycle, is probably the easiest to remember, but may not be the most representative. Some women do not realize that the years pass and their cycles are shortened. You may begin their cycles with 30 days or longer but, after forty, duration lowered to about 28 days. Finally, there are women who start counting from the day cycle ended her last period and this is a mistake: should include 4-5 day rule as the first of the previous cycle. 

Does all this matter? If this happens, do not invent. There are medical studies that prove:

Accuracy of Reporting of Menstrual Cycle Length.American Journal of Epidemiology167 (1):25-33

If your cycle is irregular, calculate the day of your next period with calculator is a waste of time. It is better you employ this time to know why your cycles are irregular. Some doctors believe that irregular cycles are a disorder which came to us women in the developed world since the second half of the twentieth century. Simply because before that time, many women spent much pregnant or lactating 30-40 barely had time periods in his life. Now, a woman can have an average of 400 periods. 

The use of the contraceptive pill is behind many irregular bleeding . In others, there is a malfunction of the reproductive system, by a malfunction of the thyroid or because stress or poor diet prevents proper release of reproductive hormones. 

An extreme case of irregularity is known polycystic ovary syndrome  (PCOS) , in which the ovaries develop multiple follicles but very small. These follicles secrete male hormones and the woman begins to suffer acne, hirsutism (increased facial hair) and other masculinizing signals. Grow as they are not capable of secreting estrogen, or trigger ovulation. The result is irregular or absent menstrual cycles. PCOS symptoms usually begin around the time of puberty, although some women do not develop symptoms until late adolescence or even early adulthood. Due to hormonal changes vary from one woman to another, symptoms also vary from mild to severe acne, facial hair growth or hair loss on the scalp. So if you have problems with your period should you go to the doctor.

The calculator menstruation is very quick and helpful, but even more useful is that you learn to know your body and how your cycles work. You'll see it's very simple.


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